Monday, December 7, 2009

What is Life?

Just a daily day that we survive,
what we survive for?
Should we survive?
How to survive?
I though that life is beauty,
everyday need to survive....
A human need a living places,
I need a healthy life...
I'm happy that
I have a good family although I don't have siblings,
I have everything although I'm not born in rich family,
I learn what I felt although they didn't teach me how to do learn,
I sad although they happy on there,
I happy , I sad , I fall , I died....

What a pity ~
Getting a good life just depend yourself,
better life ? I don't cares it anymore ,
but for this moment only,
I will think that.......

This time, I really don't know how to happy,
really don't know,
I feel boring with this life....
Everyday passed without pausing a moment,
time , is going by , so much faster than I ,
just loss every second but seem like loss my life ,
Oh My God ! I'm going crazy ,
my life is suck....

Actually, I don't know what I'm thinking about......


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